Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Salt anyone? (2 posts again today!)

Chandler loves to play video games. In fact he would do them all day and all night if I would let him! A lot of his friends have been out of town with the long weekend and school just getting out, so I've been trying to find things for him to do that don't involve driving something, jumping over or on something, or shooting something. So, yesterday I decided he needed to cook something. He's made a few things, like PB&J sandwiches, microwave popcorn, cheese quesadillas, a cake mix. Nothing too difficult and usually with assistance. I got really brave and decided to have him make cookies.

I remember making cookies a lot at his age, so I figured he could handle it. I had him read the recipe. Get out all of the ingredients and showed him how my mixer worked. He did really good until he got to salt. He got the amount of flour and salt mixed up. So....we had 2 cups of salt and only a teaspon of flour. Luckily I caught it before the chocolate chips went in! about a heart attack!! He started over and the end result was pretty good! I even had him bake them, take them out of the oven all of that all by himself. The girls and Daddy are gobbling up his cookies like crazy! I think I might like having an extra "chef" even if he spills a lot, drops eggs on the floor, and adds a "tad" too much salt.

Today he made banana far so good.....!


  1. I think everyone has a mix-up salt/baking soda story. Good for Chandler! And good for you for letting him cook. His future wife will appreciate you even more!

  2. I once gave some cookies to a family whose mother had just died. They had way too much baking soda in them. I didn't know until I tasted them for dinner that night. When I called them to apoligise they said they thought I was pulling a prank!!! I love the swimming and the great summer you all have started. I hope the kids will want to swim with nana and papa when we get there. . .

  3. Ah, the early lessons of baking. I remember mixing up teaspoons and Tablespoons while making my first cake and it ended up with WAY to much baking soda. Does Chandler want to come to our house and make us dinner? :)
