Saturday, July 7, 2012


I seem to only post stats on Colten lately. I am usually on my iPad and not on my computer to add photos and get more detailed! We have had a fun summer so far! We have played with friends, been swimming, done a cake decorating class, visited Nana and Papa, experimented in the kitchen, sent off 2 missionaries, eaten lots of good food, watched movies, played games, gone bowling a bunch, went to the drive in movies, slept in....library.... Hmmm.. I think that's most of what we have done.......? All Re doing well. Chandler is about 2 inches taller than me now and most definitely perfected the art of being a ornery teenager..Addie's feet are the same size as mine, she is learning all kinds of new songs on the piano just for fun...Brinley is working hard on reading and perfecting her flips on the tramp....Colten is rolling everywhere! He is 16 lbs and 26 and a half inches tall! He got his first shot yesterday because I am paranoid and like to take it slow with my kiddos being so small and early and a winter baby! He has almost mastered sitting up. Most recently he likes to " talk" and I pat his mouth to make Indian sounds. Sorry for not being pc.....not sure how else to describe it. Oh yes, he is eating a few foods too...squash, prunes, rice cereal, oatmeal and puffs! Derek is having knee surgery in a week.....old man! Hopefully he can bounce back quickly since he has scout camp the end of July....should make things interesting. I guess it's my turn to wait on him for a change....after the past year of taking care of me!