Friday, March 19, 2010

No more Pinewood Derby...

A little bitter sweet, but Chandler participated in his final pinewood derby this week! In many ways I am glad to not have to "nag" Derek to get it done, but sad that my little boy is growing up far to fast! He didn't do quite as well as last year. He did take 1st in a couple of heats, but did not place in the end. He had fun and that is all that matters! He thinks he'll make a car next year for the open races at the end. We'll see....maybe if I'm still in scouts he can make a car for me to race. Oh, his car was arrow shaped and painted it yellow. He named it the "Funky Chicken." Boys and their silly sense of humor...I don't get it!

And so it begins....AGAIN!

I don't think I realized when I married Derek how MUCH soccer would consume my life! I often feel like I eat, sleep and breathe soccer. Our soccer season has started again. Derek is once again coaching both Chandler and Addie's teams. He tried last fall to only coach one team, but I ended up in crap holes of tiny towns in Colorado while Derek stayed in Johnstown with Addie coaching her team. I did enjoy the time Chandler, Brinley and I had together, but it's always more fun when everyone is there. So....Chandler's practices started 2 weeks ago and Addie's will start up this next week. Chandler's first game is this Saturday. We are off and running. I do enjoy watching my children play sports! I am not much of the screamer mom on the sidelines, but I will on occasion scream hysterically..."SHOOT THE BALL!!!" We have practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday's. Derek will be busy! I sure appreciate his willingness to sacrifice some sleep to make our children's soccer experience a good one! Here's to another great season! Thanks, Dad!!