Friday, May 20, 2011

Another year bites the dust!

I can't believe we are once again done with another school year! This whole year has been so bittersweet for me with Chandler finishing elementary school and this being Brinley's last year home with me! I cried a lot this morning when I watched Chandler getting on the bus for his last time heading to Pioneer Ridge! He's on to bigger and better stuff and he is very excited about it.

I AM excited for summer! I have signed Chandler and Addie up again for swim team. That kept is very busy last summer. We also had a lot of fun doing it! I am hoping to get Addie into a pottery class camp for a week and Chandler in a babysitting class. It just all depends on those darn finances! I am sure we will have many, many lemonade stands and lots of time out at our pool. I love the lazy days of summer and I'm looking forward to it. Now if we could just see the sun? It's been raining for a week now and it doesn't look like it's planning on stopping anytime soon!

1 comment:

  1. I've loved all your updates and I cannot believe it's time to send Chandler off to middle school!

    Your new layout is super cute!
