Friday, May 7, 2010

Almost Done!

I can't believe another school year is nearly behind us! Chandler and Addie only have 9 1/2 more days left of school!! Then I'll have a 5th grader and a 3rd grader. What to do? I cannot believe that Chandler is in his last year of Elementary school. That scares me! AHH!! We just finished Chandler's science fair project and he is in the top 8. I guess we'll find out next week where he places.

Our soccer season is almost done too! Tomorrow is Chandler's last game and Addie has 1 more after tomorrow! It has been a fun busy season. I think Derek is ready to relax a bit more than he has been! He certainly deserves a little R&R!!

We also recently returned home from a wonderful visit to Arizona. Derek's sister had Trey sealed to their family. He is a sweet little guy that they have been able to adopt! I sat outside with all of the kids during the sealing. I enjoyed the quietness that even the temple grounds brings. It was a special day. Almost all of Derek's siblings were able to make it (we missed you Colin & Cori!). I loved the warmth of Arizona and the kids and I were very sad to leave. I am still constantly getting asked, "When can we move to Arizona?" I don't think my children realize that we wouldn't live at a hotel next to all of Derek's family....It was a lot of fun...and a much needed get a way for me!! Thanks Nana & Papa!!

While on the road home from Arizona, Derek and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. Not especially romantic spending the night in Albuquerque, NM with 3 children. Or stopping every couple of hours at some nasty gas station to use the bathroom....but I guess that is us. Life is always an adventure! It's been a happy 13 years! Here's to many more!!

I can't think of anything else....we're just plugging along. Wishing Derek's job would give him a raise so he could quit the paper route....Or that we would win the lottery that we don't play.....that the laundry would magically wash, fold and put itself away....that we had self cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.....:) Like I said, our life is always an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading Addie's post, can't believe I am a nana to such old grandchildren!!
    And, most of all, grateful that you are plugging along doing the best you can! I'll keep plugging also.
