Monday, August 17, 2009

2 days until school starts.....

I can't believe school starts in 2 days! It is so bittersweet for me. I hate the thought of them being another grade older officially and just growing up so stinking fast! However, it will be nice to go the grocery store with only 1 child instead of 3. It sure makes things simplier that way. I think in some ways I do crave "routine." I always look forward to having no set schedule but, then having routine helps me structure my time better. I tend to procrastinate way too much.
Addie had a rough year last year with her 1st grade teacher. She was a great teacher, but not always very nice. So she has had anxiety all summer long about having to return to school. We met her teacher (which I already knew since Chandler had her for 2nd grade too) and I did explain the issues we had last year. She is such a great teacher--she said she would go out of her way to help relieve Addie of her fears. Hopefully it will all work out and Addie will have a better year this time around! Chandler's teacher seems awesome too. I think he will have another great year!

What we've been doing since I last posted is lots of swimming, Nana, Papa & Uncle Zak came for a visit, riding bikes, swimming, playing with friends and visiting Grandma.

I talked Derek into taking today off of work so we could do some fun things with the kids as a "so long to summer" type thing. He's been busy, busy with work so we haven't done a whole lot with him. One of Addie's favorite places to eat is at Qdoba for we got up early and took the kids to breakfast. The best thing about that is I didn't have a dirty kitchen to clean up! Then we went to Fort Collins to use our free miniture golf passes we got for completing the summer reading programs. We went to Fort Fun. We let the kids minature golf, even Brinley. She made us laugh because she kept getting into the water and stealing everyone's balls. Watchout if you were near her when she was hitting. Whoa!! Derek took Addie on the go-carts and Chandler is finally old enough that he got to try them out all by himself today. He was soooo proud! He went super slow around the track and kept getting hit by all of the older kids out on the track, but he loved it. He can't wait to go back and do it again! That boy loves cars and has since he was 6 months old. I hope that never changes! Derek also took Brinley down one of those super high 20 foot slides. The first time she had a look of fear on her face and then she broke into a huge grin and said Again, Daddy, again! So he took her one more time she screamed in laughter the whole way down. Chandler and Addie did it too and they said it was "Totally Awesome!!"

It was a fun day. I know I'll miss the laziness of summer...hopefully this year is a great one for us all!